Tuesday, August 31, 2010

yay, It's Follow Me back Tuesday!!!


Follow Me Back Tuesday is hosted by Survey Junkie, Little Yaya's, Review Retreat and Boobies, Babies & A Blog.   Each week we will choose a random number every week from the blogs linked and add the random blog to the #5 spot to link to the following week.

                This weeks guest host for the #5 spot is Lydia from Still On The Verge.


                            IT'S A GREAT WAY TO MEET SOME NEW BLOGGING BUDDIES!!

Have a great day!

Monday, August 30, 2010

First day of School

Today was LK's first day of school, he was a little nervous this morning but we made it with no tears!  For the last three years I started taking pictures of him by the Big Tree in our front yard. So I went back to those pics and couldn't believe how much my little boy has grown. He started Prek-3 at the church in our neighborhood and he loved it, so I sent him there for Prek-4 the next year. He called it his little school when he started Kindergarten in the BIG school. This year is so different because he will no longer have center time and nap time. I talked to him about it and seemed to understand, he was more worried about having recess time! :)
So here are some pics below of the past three years of LK's first day of school and the most recent which was taken this morning!!


Sunday, August 29, 2010

My little Boy is not so little anymore

This pass July 11th my lil man turned 6 years old! I still can't beleieve he is 6, were has the time gone. He will be starting 1st grade tomorrow! :( I miss the long nights and all the baby items placed around the house. He has always been very independent little boy. He loves his strawberry milk and carrot sticks with ranch. He loves to wrestle with his daddy and cuddle with his mommy. Time is going by to fast and I have no control over it, I wish that I could make time go bye a little bit slower.

I always look at him and think what will he be, were will he go in life. I know he is a special little person that will do great things. I'm a proud mama but tears come to my eyes thinking about him getting older and going out in the BIG world. I know he is only 6 but in 10 years he will be 16! But no matter what I cherish all the milestones and have so many memories of his baby years. I love taking pictures of him but even that has become "mommy more pictures".  So when I can I snap a shot or two, he will thank me when he is older!
Here are some pics of my lil man from our summer vacation! Notice in every picture what he is wearing on his head, his GOGGLES! This child wears them every time he is in water, even in the bath tub!:)

Thanks for Stopping bye

Monday, August 23, 2010

Last week of Summer Break & Mingle Monday

This is my son's last week of summer break before he starts the 1st grade. I still can't beleive I have a 1st grader.  I have tryed to explain that 1st grade is very different than Kindergarten.  I think he will do fine and adjust quickly!
LK starts Wrestling next week,  which is a big change from playing tball, he said he needed a break. So we found a local Martial Arts Academy that offers Wrestling classes for my sons age.  We will try it out and see how it goes.

mingle mondays button

 I'm particatipating in my first Mingle Monday hosted by KdBuggie Boutique. She has so many sweet baby boy/girl items in her etsy shop! Go CHECK IT OUT!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Favorite





to wear












Subject in School





Food to Cook





Ok, Now what are your favorite things?


My First Post!!!

So I'm new to the blogging world. But I have been reading blogs for sometime now and decided to start my own. I'm not sure if I will have the time to blog everyday but will try my best!

I would love to learn how to make my blog beautiful like so many other bloggers :) It took me a while to figure out how to write this post! lol

So if anyone has some pointers they would like to give me that would be greatly appreicated!!